Dear YT Friend in the Lord,
Please pray for OSU Campus Involvement Fair on Monday 4-8pm--the first Autumn Semester!
I dedicate this Sunday Message for this: May the Lord bless our participation in this event as our "five loaves and two fish" to reach out for OSU campus students--new freshmen.
I thank God for Josie volunteering and preparing flyers in time.
I also thank God for Samantha and Patty to take initiatives to work with Josie for this.
I also thank God for Tom Welch to create our new website:
(if anyone knows our old website password for, please let me know!)
Several of us will stop by campus to see what God is doing through this event.
Please read through Matthew 14, and try to connect three major events into a theme: "Into the heart of Jesus" (Training of the Twelve).